This Fund was established and endowed in 1969, by Sir Edward Lewis (1900-1980), shown right; Chairman of the Decca Record Company, in memory of his wife who died in 1968. The fund was financially augmented in the early 1990s by Sir Edward's son, Richard. The object of the Fund was originally and still is to assist young musicians by sponsoring concerts at recognised venues away from musical institutions. Details of past recipients of this award can be found by Clicking Here.

David Loeb (shown left) was, as Senior Warden, instrumental in setting up and organising the concerts which began in 1970. He subsequently Chaired the Committee for many years. Also on the original organising Committee was the 1969-70 Master Jack Iles, and Junior Warden Frank Wright.
Shown below is the Programme from the very first Concert. It was performed at The Purcell Room on the Southbank on 2nd June 1970. The performers were The Chilingirian Quartet, led by Mr Levon Chilingirian (WCOM Liveryman and 1995 Cobbett Medal awardee).

Shown left is a page from Issue 10 of Preserve Harmony that gives an overview of the Fund's establishment (quoting from the inaugural programme shown above) and introduces the Celebration Concert organised by the Livery Club.
Shown below is a Programme from that Concert at St Johns, Smith Square on 31st May 1995 celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Maisie Lewis Series.
Shown below is a few pictures from the Concert at St John's - the first image being Levon Chilingirian receiving his Cobbett Award from the Master, Adrian Davis.

Levon receives Cobbett Award from The Master, Adrian Davis

The Chilingirian Quartet

St John's, Smith Square

The Chilingirian Quartet

The Chilingirian Quartet

Levon and Benedict Cruft

Donald McVay (viola)

Catherine Finnis (Cello)

Benedict Cruft (violin)

Ann Mackay (soprano) with Benedict's violin

Ann Mackay; David Loeb, Philippa Davies and Catherine Finnis.

Ann Mackay (soprano) with Julius Drake (piano accompanist))

Philippa Davies (Flute)

Philippa Davies (flute) and Simon Waley (Clerk to the Musicians' Company)
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