Two sung Graces by Robert Burns,
set to music for mixed voices by
Sir A.C.Mackenzie (1847 - 1935).
Shown left is the bound cover of two Graces by Robert Burns: The Selkirk Grace ("Some hae meat and canna eat...") and Grace After Dinner ("O Thou in whom we live and move..."). These have been set to music for mixed voices (SATB) with piano accompaniment by Sir Alexander Mackenzie.
The pages are in Mackenzie's hand and both settings have been signed and dated: the Grace After Dinner on 16th July 1930 and the Selkirk Grace on 2nd July 1930.
The Composer, Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (shown right) was born in Edinburgh in 1847. His musical education was at the Royal Academy of Music under a King's Scholarship. By 1887 he had become the Principal of the RAM - a position he held for 36 years. He was knighted in 1895 and awarded KCVO in 1922. He was awarded the Honorary Freedom of the Musicians' Company in 1908.
The Grace settings are shown below, click on an image to expand and scroll through, click on Go to link to enlarge further.

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